
Thursday, March 01, 2012

Apple Ugly Grill Night

Apple Uglies Over Charcoal

I live in Apple Ugly country. Yes. I'm just a few miles from the Apple Baking Company where they make the world famous Uglies. OK. They aren't world famous just yet. They're more like a little Southern secret, but the company is smoking hot and getting those Uglies out to more people. And, for those who can't find them local, the company sells Uglies online.

I've written about Apple Uglies before, because I love them and because I had high school buddies who worked there back in the day. It's a small world (especially in a small town), so my new co-worker's husband is Dave Bates, CEO of Apple Baking Company. He was kind enough to let my Writing for Media class tour the factory where friends and neighbors whip up these delicious bakery treats. And, he sent me home with some Apple Uglies. Thanks!

You all know what I do with food. Yes. On the grill. The grill was gray coal hot and just perfect for adding dessert to the menu. I put the Uglies on and grate marked them, flipped them, and had them on the table in a couple of minutes. These buns are already cooked, so it's just a matter of heating them up and getting a hint of smoke flavor.

Whoa boy; grilled Apple Uglies rock. I've always enjoyed them right out of the pack, but the charcoal gave them a great kick. You know I love my smoke.

Apple Ugly Hot Off the Grill - Yum

If you're trying to figure out what Apple Uglies are, then think of a baked treat the size of a honey bun and packed like that but more like fritters and lumpy bumpy (hence the name Uglies). Each Apple Ugly looks a little different, because they are not mass produced in the typical way. Now, I can't tell you how to make them, or I will be kicked out of town for sure. Just trust me that there are some great people in the bakery working hard to make special treats that you can't find just everywhere.

Working the Dough

If you're looking for Apple Uglies, then here's what they look like in the store. They come in several flavors - all yummy.

My class got to try hot Blueberry and Raisin Uglies right off the line. We also got to see the cake line being made and baked. The lady who makes the Apple Baking Company cakes has been doing this for 25 years. Those are sold by the whole cake, half, or slices. My favorite is the Cheerwine cake. Cheerwine is a local soft drink from my town, and Cheerwine cake is really pretty with a unique flavor. It's kind of a cherry cola but not quite and better than that combination. You'd just have to try it to see what I mean.

Dave Bates, Apple Baking Company CEO, and my Writing for Media Students

It was a fun week - a trip to Apple Baking Company and then hot grilled Apple Uglies. Hard to beat that.


  1. Great idea for a quick dessert. I've grilled pound cake before (who hasn't) but I like your idea even better.

  2. The Apple Uglies really are fabulous. Can you get them in your area?


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