
Thursday, October 29, 2009

Got a Quickie Reipce Featuring French's (mustard etc) - Enter to win by 10-31-09

Karen contacted me from French's. Yes. The mustard folks, but they have other great products too.

My son just discovered French's spicy mustard. Now, I've had that FOREVER, becuase I like some zip to my mustard. He just had not given it a try. I guess we were out of garden variety yellow mustard, and he tried the French's brown mustard on his brats. He is now a BELIEVER. Yep. He is going through my mustard fast.

Karen just wanted to let me know about a contest featuring French's products, and I was thinking some of my barbecue fans might have some good sauces featuring mustard - spicy or not. OK. It's kind of a South Carolina thing (that mustard barbecue sauce), but I'm betting some of ya'll use a little mustard as a secret ingredient. I know I do - like in my barbecue baked beans.

Sorry the notice is short. This has to be knocked out by Halloween 2009, but here are the general rules. Might want to double check the site links for more details. I don't think I'll be able to get it together this quick, but I'll bet some readers can, so knock us out and share your recipes too. That's always fun!

Each Recipe for the French's Contest Should:

Be original, unpublished, and created by you;
Include at least one French's product;
Include no more than 8 ingredients(with the exception of salt, pepper and water…those are freebies);
And be prepared and ready to serve in no more than 1 hour.

For recipe inspiration and giveaways, check out the French’s Facebook page:

Recipes will be evaluated on appearance, creativity and overall deliciousness and must be submitted by October 31, 2009 online at French's.

Five finalists, determined by online voting and a judging panel, will compete in a LIVE Cook-Off event to be held in New York City for a chance to win the Grand Prize of $25,000!

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