
Friday, March 26, 2010

Big Butz Barbecue Sauce Really is all THAT

I found Big Butz and his barbecue sauce over on Twitter whre you can Twit up with me if you want. And, yes, my Momma did tell me to be careful about those wild and crazy guys out there, but I must say that I have found some rocking and really stand up barbecue people at Twitter - guys and gals too.

Loads of folks were raving about Big Butz que sauces on Twitter. But, I had a backlog of bbq sauces in my refrigerator so had Big Butz BBQ on my list. Finally, I got the stock down enough to order more barbecue sauces this week.

I bought the four pack of Big Butz sauces, since I just could not decide on one. I am bad about that, I must confess. I hate to miss somehthing great - especially when it's a barbecue sauce. So, I got the original Big Butz, hot, extra hot, and the cranberry sauces.

Tonight we had grilled boneless chicken with original Big Butz barbecue sauce. I worked all day, and boneless chicken grills up fast. Also, I like to try chicken for new sauces, since chicken is mild flavored and let's me really taste the barbecue sauce.

When I opened the jar of Big Butz, it smelled so great that I had a taste before I even started grilling. Normally, I first taste sauces actually grilled on food and hot. But, I could not help myself. The sauce did taste as good as it smelled, and I could have just kept eating it with a spoon, but that is so WRONG. I have to watch that kind of stuff, or I would have to buy bigger blue jeans.

The grilled chicken with Big Butts turned out as good as I had heard and as yummy as I was expecting with that cold taste test.

This is a sweeter sauce than my other top picks, but the body on it is excellent. Even though Big Butz is sweet, it has a little zip in the original. It was not too hot for my younger son who can't deal with the heat. Overall, super balance. I would recommend the original Big Butz for anything you generally sauce up and for when you do not know how much heat guests can handle.

I can't wait to try out the hot and extra hot in Big Butz. I am a hot fan but rein it in for family and friends. I loved the original but think turning up the heat would rock my barbecue world. The sweet flavor was spot on and just perfect to contrast with a little heat. I did not add any more heat (so I could comment on the sauce), but I do have the hot and extra hot and suspect those will be my favorites in this line. I also think the cranberry sounds like a good bet.

At this point, I can vouch for Big Butz barbecue sauce original and say it is well worth looking up and buying. I'll check out the hotter versions when I have some hot foodie folks over and check back in on the extra heat.


  1. Great Story! -Great Sauce! - Great People! Keep up the good work Cyndi

    Michael Baxter

  2. You will love the cranberry as well! Nice review!

    Gary Glen


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