Yesterday I washed the sheets on my son's bed. I gave them to him and told him to put them on his bed. Today I found the sheets. Yes. On the bed. In one big heap right in the middle.
Sigh. I added the directions to put the sheets actually on the mattress. My son cheerfully did this. Now I would think this would go without saying. If someone told me to put the sheets on the bed, I would make up the bed. But, guys will take "put it on the bed" to mean just that. Walk in and toss the sheets on top of the bed in a big old lump.
I live with all guys. Well, the bird turned out to be female. She lays eggs now and then though I was told she was a little male parakeet. And, I have mostly learned to be very clear about what I mean. I have also learned not to ask if the dress looks bad on me. If I don't really want to know the truth, then I ask the bird.
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